2022-06-29 9:27 AM
we use GraphWrapAndClear and update the graph every 1 second, it works fine. but the problem is after running for long time (over 12 hours), there is some short line flicker on the different part of screen. if we move out of this screen, and come back, the flicker disappeared, every thing is fine again. it seems running longer time cause the problem. Do you have the similar problem? I am using TouchGFX 4.17.
2022-06-30 4:29 AM
Hello JXu.2,
Not that I know, never faced such issue. Can you show us some screenshots maybe? Did it happen on this version only or you tried with different version of TouchGFX Designer? Which board do you use?
2022-06-30 2:14 PM
2022-07-04 2:42 AM
Hi Joe,
I think the attachment is missing, can you try to send it to us again ?
My idea would be to "refresh" the page with the invalidate function more often.
Let's say you have a screen called Screen1, you can call the invalidate function for your entire screen inside a handleTickEvent that would be called every x ticks.
Something like that :
void Screen1View::handleTickEvent()
if ( tickCount % x == 0) {
I think that should work, let me know if that solves your problem.
2022-07-05 9:51 AM
2022-07-06 2:41 AM
Hi Joe,
Sorry, but I still can't see any attachment. To attach a file, use this button :
I don't have a precise answer to give you, the reason might come from many reasons but more probably hardware related.
And yes, you can try to refresh every 4 hours, I think it would work.
2022-07-06 9:15 AM
2022-07-07 12:39 AM
Great ! Happy to hear that it solves the problem :)