2022-05-02 5:13 PM
I have already use designer 4.18 and 4.19.1 for same project.
The 4.18 used ram about 1000 MB . When I change to 4.19.1 , ram used to 4600 MB. sometime used to 7800 MB. Make my PC slow down.
How to solve this problem?
4.19.1 picture
4.18 for same project
2022-05-06 2:35 AM
I wanted to also analyze possible performance issues while running the simulator.
For the designer, you are right there are big performance problems. I will have a talk with colleagues about that.
2022-12-23 4:32 AM
I am having the same problem after updating from 4.18 to 4.21. Is there any news regarding this topic? I am having memory usages of more than 6GB