2019-02-04 9:59 AM
I have a TouchGFX project created from TouchGFX for the STM32L4R9I-DISCOVERY and I'm editing the code to enable storage for playing audio. However, when I enable Storage_Init(MSD_DISK_UNIT); either from main.c or using the mmi_interpreter with: MMI_Interpreter_STORAGE_Services(MEDIA_STORAGE_INIT, (void*) MSD_DISK_UNIT);
My LCD stops displaying the graphics I've created.
Has anyone seen this before? Is there timing conflicts trying to enable the SD storage feature eventhough the code is written and available?
2019-02-05 4:02 AM
Hi @Du,
What's your application doing once the LCD stops displaying? What kind of debugging have you done so far?
2019-02-05 7:28 AM
Hi @Martin KJELDSEN ,
The original generated code from TouchGFX created this:
/* Start scheduler */
osKernelStart ();
When I edit to add this:
/* Start scheduler */
osKernelStart ();
it crashes and the LCD shows colorful dots like when the LCD is not properly initialized.
If I add this:
char UserTxBuffer[] = "SD Mounted\r\n";
HAL_UART_Transmit(&UartHandle, (uint8_t*)UserTxBuffer, sizeof(UserTxBuffer), HAL_MAX_DELAY);
/* Start scheduler */
osKernelStart ();
then the LCD is back to normal and my application is running like it should.
Since I was unsuccessful in creating a SW4STM32 project to enable STLINK debugging, I decided to use UART4 to send out debug statements on a hyper terminal.
Thanks for looking into this! It's not a high priority since it's working now with that debug statement, but just curious what could be happening.