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STM32L073RZ LCD driver : COM and SEG

Catheline Yoan

Hi everyone,

I am using a STM32L073RZ with its LCD driver feature.

I would like to drive a LCD panel with "1/4 duty, 1/3 bias" driving method (reference of the LCD panel : LCD-S401M16KR). I am not familiar with this driving method if it is handled in a microcontroleur. I need 4 LCD_COM lines and 8 LCD_SEGMENT lines. From Cube MX, i chose COM0 to COM3 in the STM32L073RZ.

My question is : do i have to use LCD_SEG0 to LCD_SEG7 in the STM32 peripheral or do i just need to choose 8 LCD_SEGx among the LCD_SEGx from the STM32 (for exemple : SEG0 to SEG2, SEG5, SEG6, SEG8, SEG9, SEG11) ?

Thanks in advance