2016-09-15 1:10 AM
everyone, I hope you are well.I have a small
problem I would like to display a logo of my my university on boardSTM32F429i_Discovery
but I sometimes displaying the logo ST. I use LCDimage converter
but it does not work well to create my table to integrate it into the code.I do not know
if ST used another converter. You can point me please. I use BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap(...);Thank you very much.
#stm32f429i #lcd #ili93412016-09-15 2:08 AM
Hi enedis.ibrahim,
As an image converter, you can use the BmpCvt.exe that you find in the package at this path: STemWin_Library_V1.1.2\Libraries\STemWinLibrary522\Software\ -Hannibal-2016-09-15 8:20 AM
2016-09-15 8:57 AM
Hi enedis.ibrahim,
Just open the image that you want to convert, and save it as ''C'' BMP file. -Hannibal-2016-09-15 10:29 AM
Hello, enedis.ibrahim.
Can you describe a problem with LCD Image Converter in more details?2016-09-15 10:34 AM
I generate
my file how I can work with this table? because it's a .c file and there are other GUI.h file
I have to addin my project
2016-09-15 10:45 AM
Thank you for your reply;
I just want to
display a logo on the screen of my STM32F429i_discovery card at the moment andafter
display images
and video from awebcam.
2016-09-15 12:03 PM
Ok, the concept you need to wrap your head around is this byte array is just a representation of the bytes within the .BMP file. Now there may be other constraints about what type of BMP file you use, ie dimensions of image, colour depth, etc.
You might want to use tools like GIMP to get the graphic image in the form you need/want. You could take the .BMP and use basic File IO functions (fopen, fread, fseek, fclose, etc) and read the binary data from the file, and output it in the same type of textual ASCII format used by C to allow you to encapsulate the file data into an array. If you are not familiar with data representations in memory, and those in files, please get a File Viewer (Hex Editor, etc) and look at the content of the files, and how that is reflected in these compilable C arrays.2016-09-15 12:31 PM
2016-09-16 12:11 AM
You can work with it like with any other file with source code. Do you know that output format can be adjusted?