2017-02-12 2:59 AM
I am using STM32F4 Discovery board,extension board & STM32F DIS Camera 1.3MP OV9655.
I am having two questions on this,
1] If I need to transfer image with 1280 x 1024 resolution then can I send from DCMI peripheral to USART directly or I need to store an image in external SRAM first then to USART??
2] If I need to store image with 1280 x 1024 resolution in SD card then what are the steps I need to follow??
Most of the examples on the internet are camera with LCD. In those examples image is stored from camera to LCD SRAM & from LCD SRAM to SD card. (Correct me if I am wrong)
I am not using LCD.
#usart #stm32f4-discovery #dcmi-dma-camera2017-02-12 4:47 AM
One of the main problems here would be the massive disparity in data rates, the serial port being several orders of magnitude slower than the camera interface.
2017-02-14 6:30 AM
Thank You for your reply.
I need to use DCMI in snapshot mode. I am interested in single image not for video.
My plan is as follows,
1] Configure STM DIS cam 1.3MP for 120x160 resolution in RGB 565 mode(120x160x2Bytes)=38.4KB
2] Configure DCMI & DMA to store image in internal SRAM
3] Configure USART 921600 Baud rate(bits per sec) i.e.115.2 K Bytes ps
4] Start DCMI DMA
5] Send accepted data to USART
My question is whether this approach is right??
& what I want to do for transferring VGA image(640x480) in RGB565 require 614.4KB
Internal SRAM is very less & I don't want to use external memory to store the image.