2014-11-03 8:49 AM
Hello Friends,
have a speed problem,I am using stm32f407 discovery kit and 7'' tft, with baseboard, I want to make picture galery show bitmap file read from sdcard and show it to TFT but problem is reading and showing the picture so slow , showing a full picture take almost 2-3 seconds,how can handle this? I am trying to integrate chan fatfs system to my codes but neeed your advice ,Thanks #stm32 #sdcard #tft2014-11-03 9:20 AM
Is the delay coming from the SD Card reading, or transferring the image data to the display buffer on the controller.
The SD card performance will be improved by reading large blocks, reading a byte at a time from the media will be slow, so buffer.2014-11-03 9:37 AM
Thank u clive1
I think delay is from reading sdcard, I dont know how to read big blocks, Can anybody give an code example about reading big block from sdcard2014-11-03 9:53 AM
static BYTE Buffer[8192];
UINT BytesRead;
res = f_read(&fil, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &BytesRead);