2019-04-20 7:04 AM
I am searching for a library I can use to get the TFT (ILI9341 3.2) working with my STM32F4.
Can someone help me please I searched for a week for it but I haven't found any thing.
2019-04-21 8:18 AM
help please
2019-04-22 9:19 AM
You can use the ILI9341 driver at this path of STM32CubeF4: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\ili9341
Have a look at FSMC examples within STM32CubeF4 firmware package, from this path:
I recommend you to have a look to these application note which describes the LCD-TFT display controller of the STM32 and how to interfaces the ILI9341 lcd through FSMC:
Hope this helps you.
2019-04-22 9:38 AM
@Imen DAHMEN thanks alot i am going to check the links right now
2019-04-22 9:45 AM
@Imen DAHMENi had already seen this one it didn't helped i need to understand it all and make my own library and i don't have time for that i need some of the existing libraries
2019-04-22 1:53 PM
Looks like the shortest port, the FSMC stuff would be somewhat board specific anyway, and you've supplied no details of the wiring scheme.
Is this for a commercial project?
2019-04-22 2:06 PM
@Community member no i am just a student in universety this is my final class project and yes i know i need to work with FCMS i know how to set pin with cub mx thats not my problem i need the library and drives i need to include in the main code to get it work
2021-03-29 5:15 AM
Hello @Bakro , Have you been able to find a solution. Now, I have the same problem with you. I want to interface STm32 with ILI9341 16bit LCD.
2021-03-29 7:31 AM
Hello, I never solved the prblem I am so sorry wish you a good luck