2012-11-23 1:07 AM
I was playing with the LCD interface of the STM3240G-Eval and I found that before writing on the GRAM I can set the GRAM Direction using following code: LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, <myValue>); Looking at the source code of stm324xg_eval_lcd.c I found that I can set this register to three different values which are 0x1018, 0x1008, 0x1030: 0x1018 means Horizontal Increment, Vertical Decrement and address is updated in vertical direction; 0x1008 means Horizontal Decrement, Vertical Decrement and address is updated in vertical direction; I didn't find in the manual and in the source code any information about the value 0x1030. I tried to set the write direction to 0x1030 and I found out that the lcd is refreshed with flickering. What does it means setting LCD_REG_3 register to 0x1030 ? Thank you so much. #lcd #stm3240g2012-11-23 8:01 AM
The GLCD's control chip is Ilitek ILI9320, try to locate a datasheet for it and check yourself.