2019-05-17 11:23 AM
I built my wifi camera https://youtu.be/AORCE1Jggls
Now I made it even faster, but so far 2-3 frames per second.
Now i'm using DCMI_CaptureMode_Continuous.
The ov2640 camera gives ~ 5 frames per second.
But i use DCMI_CaptureRate = DCMI_CaptureRate_1of2_Frame;
DMA_ITConfig(DMA2_Stream1,DMA_IT_HT,ENABLE);// half buffer ready send to ESP01
DMA_ITConfig(DMA2_Stream1,DMA_IT_TC,ENABLE);//the second half of the buffer is ready
send to ESP01.
One half of the buffer is transmitted until the second is full.But this is not enough to use
DCMI_InitStructure.DCMI_CaptureRate = DCMI_CaptureRate_ALL_Frame;
image 800x600 ~14-15 KB for 1 image.
I tested ESP01 in transparent transmission mode at speed 2Mbit almost no packet errors.This speed should be enough to transfer 10 frames per second 800x600 to be compared with ESP32CAM.But so far only 3.
Last thought is to try to copy the data from the frame buffer to the FIFO buffer, and then only transfer.