2018-11-27 2:08 AM
QUESTION - TouchGFX Community repost - BACOU Stephane - Nov 2018
I am building a connected device that will be OTA upgradable through BLE. However, the external flash start to become quite big to be reflashed each time when I add a new image. So I do have a few questions if you don't mind:
1. Will the order of the image in the external flash always be the same between two builds ? Even after a full clean ? what is the used criteria as it does not seems to be the name. Insertion order in the project ?
2. Is there any way to modify this order ? and if not already guarantee, is there a way to make it repeatable ?
3. May I define somewhere the target address of each image ? as the relative files are auto-generated
Of course the idea is to make sure that I just need to flash (mainly transfer) modified or new images.
ANSWER - TouchGFX Community repost - Flemming Gram Christensen - Nov 2018
The order of the images in the flash is controlled by the linker. So many of the questions depend on which compiler you are using.
You should be able to mention each of the .o files in the linker script and thereby control the order of the images in your flash.
Start looking into your linker documentation.