2022-03-16 5:28 AM
Hi guys, many customers ask for a web page that looks the same as the display on the machine, developed on touchgfx with STM32 microcontrollers.
The goal is to control the screen also from the web page.
Is there a way to do that? Maybe with an LWIP web server?
Which is the best way?
Thank you
2022-03-23 1:17 AM
Hello @EA.1 ,
TouchGFX does not implement that kind of functionalities yet, and I doubt we'll prioritize that soon.
But of course you can try to do it yourself, and let us know if you succeeded and how you did it.
Good luck,
2022-03-23 5:15 AM
Hi Yoann,
Thanks for your reply. Very sorry to hear what you are saying, these functionalities are requested more and more.
I think that it is not time-worth to implement this without support, we will have to work without touchgfx.