2014-05-14 1:34 PM
Working on the STM32F439_EVAL platform.
1) I created a UI Screen using the GUIBuilder with just a single button.2) I call the create function in my application and the screen is properly drawn on the LCD3) When I press the button I don't see any calls to the window callback function. I'm a expecting a notification from the Child button element regarding the button push. I'm assuming that when creating the dialog the button callback is already set ( BUTTON_Callback) and that the callback notifies the parent when it gets a button push.4) I have a touch panel and on a timer I send calibrated Touch panel readings to STemWin via GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(). I'm assuming apart from this there is nothing else I will need to do to propagate the touch event to the button widget. Can someone point out if my assumptions are wrong and if there is anything extra I have to do to wire the Touch panel events to the Button Widget callbacks ? ThanksKartik #stm32f439-stemwin2014-06-09 5:57 AM
Hi Kartik,
It seems that the procedure is correct by calling perodically the GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() function.You can check whether the BSP_TS_GetState() is returning the right touch positions and press state. Furthermore, you can check whether the I2C used for the BSP_TS is alive.With regards.2014-11-18 2:17 PM
I solved similar issue by editing BSP_Pointer_Update in bsp.c, just before GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() call, change TS_State.Layer from 1 to 0 ..