2019-08-15 6:10 AM
I am using STM32F769I Discovery board with JPEG Codec and SPI interface.
The JPEG Decoding is working with DMA from FLASH (inspired by JPEG_DecodingFromFLASH example for STM32F769I EVAL Boards).
However, after I received a SPI package via DMA, the JPEG Decoding stops working. The JPEG process goes on and on but will not ever end?
Any suggestions for the cause of this behaviour? I thought about an interefrence between the two DMA services/stream of the SPI and JPEG process, but I could not identify nor solve the problem...
(I executed exactly the same JPEG decoding before and after a SPI reception, with same image data from FLASH. So there shouln't be the reason)
2019-08-27 1:51 AM
Does nobody have an explanaition for this problem? Or any idea or hint for the possible reason?