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How to troubleshoot segmenetation fault in Touchgfx simulator? (real device works great)

Associate III

I am currently having a segmentation fault in the touchgfx simulator and after several ways to approach it I no longer know how to proceed. Note that it works perfectly on the device.

The error is as follows:


The error occurs when I transition from screen A (main screen) to screen B (no animation). If I set screen B as main it is properly displayed. However, (after setting screen B as main) if I go to screen A and then to screen B it will also crash.

Screen B has a swipe object each wtih each "page" containing the same instance of a container and a few buttons. Adding or deleting objects to the pages in the container seems to fix or break the screen transition.

ST Employee

Hello RMoli.3,

Difficult to say.. I would probably try to run the application on simulator but on Visual Studio and put breakpoints and stuff.

The vs project can be found at this path : "/TouchGFX/simulator/msvs/Application.sln"


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX
Associate III

Is there a way to force a full clean of the simulator compilation?

Associate III

@Osman SOYKURT​ I have debugged with eclipse and set breakpoints. The issue is that the error is triggered in a region of touchgfx from which the code is not available. That's why I added the screenshot of with the function traceback that caused the segmentation fault.