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Hola, estoy haciendo un proyecto usando la placa STM32L496G-DICOVERY para capturara fotos y video, quiero usar la cámara OV2640 pero no sé si esa cámara es compatible con esa placa ya que la placa tiene conector plug and play,

Associate II
ST Employee

Hello @FTila.1​ ,

Please try to write in English to make sure you can get an answer for your problem, because most of the people on this community can speak English.

I used Google translate to get an rough idea of what you are saying:


I am doing a project using the STM32L496G-DICOVERY board to capture photos and video, I want to use the OV2640 camera but I don't know if that camera is compatible with that board since the board has a plug and play connector,


You can use OV2640 CMOS sensor with L4 board, but make sure that your camera module embedded the OV2640 is compatible with the camera connector CN1 of 32L496GDISCOVERY.

I advise you to refer to the Table 19. Camera module connector CN1, in the UM2160 and check the pins and configuration.


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Associate II

Hi @Imen DAHMEN​ n Dahmen

Thanks for your resoonse, I read the datasheet but I bought a OV2640 with FFC conector but it turns out that it has 24 pins and the conector of the STM32L496G_DISCOVERY has 30, so can you recomend me other mudule or a solution for that.

Hi @FTila.1​ ,

You can use the OV9655 CMOS sensor with the STM32F4DISCAM camera module.

I advise you to refer to the table 4 (and note 4) on the AN5020 - page 21.



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Associate II

Hi @Imen DAHMEN​ 

I think the STM32F4DISCAM camera module is no longer available on some stores, so could you send me the link where I can find it please.

Associate II

If it's not available, so I will appreciate it if you could send me de esquematic of this module or the PCB design.