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Designer: When import fails unexpectedly - it leaves the project in invalid state.

Senior III

The problem appeared when I deleted a custom container that contained a specific font. I also deleted the typography. Then for a test purpose, I imported the custom container again. I got an error, that my font file is being open, so the import process cannot write it.

The import failed leaving some files imported, and some not imported. I had to manually delete imported files and restart TouchGFX to be able to import the custom container.

What IMO should happen - if the import fails, it should roll back the changes, or... maybe ignore the error and continue with the rest of the files. When unexpected error occurs - the best solution would be to display a dialog like this:

An error occurred while importing the custom container

Proceed with:

  1. Roll back the changes (remove imported files)
  2. Ignore the error and continue (some files may be missing)




Hello @HTD ,

Sorry for the inconvenience, we will definitely consider this issue for improving.
Thanks for the report and suggesting.

Mohammad MORADI
ST Software Developer | TouchGFX