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[Bug Report] Interactions to change screen (from Custom Containers) don't work upon reboot of the Designer (4.10.0)

Senior II

After having restarted TouchGFX designer and recompiled the code (without any errors), the couple interactions I had in my code to transition from one screen to another don't work anymore ? I've tried creating a new screen interaction and that one works just fine… Any idea what could be the cause and how to solve that issue ?


Chief III

Hi @GMeur​,

Which version of the designer are you using? It's not a problem i've ever experienced or received before. Can you share your project with me?


4.10.0 (the latest version I believe). I sent it to you over pm. ;)

I've received the project. There are no interactions defined on the main screen. Is that intentional? I was expecting you to have some interactions defined that somehow disappeared again upon recompilation.

How are you starting TouchGFX designer? Through CubeMX? If you "execute" from CubeMX or "generate" code, some code will be overwritten, so only do this once and then open the designer through the link on your desktop.

Senior II

What do you mean there are no interactions defined? They're defined in the container "BottomMenu", not on the "MainScreen".

Okay, you never shared that information :) Thanks

From what i can see all your interactions have no values for "Choose screen". After choosing the right screens to transition to (Main, List, Settings) i can transition to those even after recompilation.

The thing is that these values disappear everytime I reboot the TouchGFX designer…

You're right. I just rechecked and the values for the screen are missing in the interaction - I also asked the designer team and this is an actual bug that they're aware of when it comes to interactions in custom containers. I will check to see if it's been fixed in the upcoming 4.11.0.

Okay. Good to know. Thanks for your hepl ! :)