2019-09-28 01:54 AM
I need information on interfacing STM32L4R9AI development board AMOLED display with an external hardware and to dsplay text over it which changes in real time.
2019-09-28 05:28 AM
You need someone to explain the process and write the code?
Seemed to recall the DISCO board have example and BSP to drive the display from a frame buffer, and have line drawing and text rendering code.
2019-09-29 08:41 PM
I have completed my project through the DISCO board but now i need to develop new hardware only for the display interface because the DISCO board has lot of other peripherals in it.
2019-09-29 09:11 PM
I have completed my project through the DISCO board but now i need to develop new hardware only for the display interface because the DISCO board has lot of other peripherals in it.