2018-12-10 7:38 AM
Hi, I’m trying to use the cryptographic library on a board based on STM32L152CBT6-A to encrypt data to be sent. I tried to replace the files inside the “Driver�? folder but it did not work. Does anyone know how to use the library and import it correctly on System Workbench?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-01-14 11:31 PM
You have to add the Library path in the include configuration.
Please check the thread https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AAGtwqSQD/how-to-include-crypto-library-in-sysytem-workbench-project
2018-12-26 6:54 AM
Hi Fabriformo,
Please porvide détails about the package you are using. We recommend to use the version 3.0.0 https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-cryptolib.html which include examples for every algorythm and which is including projects for IAR, Keil and Atollic.
2019-01-02 5:57 AM
Hi Fabriformo,
Could you please feedback if you still having issue with crypto library?
2019-01-14 1:35 AM
Hi, Amir. My problem is another. I would like to import the library into a project that already exists in System Workbench. Within the library for each board there are the folders Utilities, Projects, Middlewares, Drivers, Documentation. I tried to copy files within Middlewares and Drivers in my project but when I do "Build Project" there are errors.
If I import a project for System Workbench from the Project folder, I still have errors.
How can I import the library into my existing project?
2019-01-14 11:31 PM
You have to add the Library path in the include configuration.
Please check the thread https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AAGtwqSQD/how-to-include-crypto-library-in-sysytem-workbench-project
2019-01-15 2:59 AM
Thank you, Amir. I have included libraries and the project builds successfully. Now how do I use the functions of the libraries? Currently there are no files like "crypto.h" and "aes.h" within the project. Do I have to copy the files inside the Inc folder? If so, which and where?
2019-01-15 5:27 AM
You can find in the Cube cryptolib examples on how to use cryptolib, including how to manage header files ...
you can found these détails in the below path:
2019-01-22 3:17 AM
Thank you very much for your availability, Amir. Finally I was able to import the libraries correctly into my project.
2019-01-22 3:21 AM
Your are welcome. Happy to know that.
Good luck in your project realization.
Please mark the ticket as answered to be helpful for the community.
2020-01-28 3:30 AM
This is an old thread but I hope to get an answer here.
I'm using NUCLEO-L496ZG-P, and I have data de decrypt (AES128 CBC).
I'm using a Makefile generated by STM32CubeIDE to compile and my college is using the STM32CubeIDE to do so.
I'm trying to use th Cryptolib but didnt het how to do so. I did download "en.patchx_cryptolib.zip" and "en.x-cube-cryptolib.zip"
I copied the folder ST/ under Middleware to compile the library -llibSTM32CryptographicV3.0.0_CM4_GCC_FPU.a but I get
ld: cannot find -llibSTM32CryptographicV3.0.0_CM4_GCC_FPU.a
Is there a document to follow ? Any suggested guide lines ?