2010-02-18 10:27 PM
2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Why would it make a difference?
I'm sure people used to use Microchip's ehternet chips before STM32's were available with onboard ethernet. And I'm sure people will continue to use other Microchip products...2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Actually quite simple, the datasheet with registers,etc are not released to public, and the driver for the ZeroG module is licensed to microchip now and may only be used in microchip controllers. Then there will be some hard work to make you own driver when you don't have any datasheet. Kasper2011-05-17 4:40 AM
2011-05-17 4:40 AM
No, that's not true.
You can create an account exactly as before by clicking the 'Create a New Account' button athttp://support.zerogwireless.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=5560
It is quite common for manufacturers to require registration in order to gain access to Datasheets, etc. The 'Copyright' section of their Terms of Use does seem bizarrely stupid, though!2011-05-17 4:40 AM
I'm already working on this, porting the ZeroG code from an AVR Library I've made earlier... And this isn't difficult, as the code is in C too, so I only have to change the SPI routines, and some of the variable definitions!
I will return to you if I manage to get it working.
Best Regards
Thomas Jespersen
2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Yes i found that library ''WiShield'' if that is the one?.. I allready converted that into my code and properly going to test that today, only need to solder some wires on a ZeroG module to test it. But i think this driver is very primitive also, it can not search for the AP and so... but first i need to verify it can work atleast before i desgin my board. Kasper2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Yeah, that's the one!
If you get it running before I do, please leave me a message :)
2011-05-17 4:40 AM
I got it up running in Keil with their TCP/IP stack and dynamic ram allocation. I just need to try to eliminate the need for copy the entire packet as done in the original driver, that is a of time wasted. you can contact me throughmailto:zerog.wifi@gmail.com
to get a copy, and then maybe we both can work to make the best solution for optimization. Kasper