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X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 and Arduino

Associate II

Hi ST Community,

I would like to control the IHM02A1 expansion board using Arduino because I found this library

I've read from the X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 documentation that a Nucleo board should be connected for the expansion board to function correctly. (I assumed this is needed only when you don't intend to use Arduino, and use STM IDE instead, could I be wrong?) However, I haven't found much info regarding the use of Arduino.

Does this mean I still need to have a Nucleo board connected to the expansion board for it to correctly function even if I already have Arduino? Or is the github library enough to run the expansion board using Arduino alone?


stm32arduino would imply an STM32 based host, you'd presumably need to port it to something else if that's what you want to use.

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Thanks for the reply Clive. I'm planning to use Arduino Uno R3 because it was mentioned here that there were SPI connections somewhere in the expansion board. Although this manual only mentions about the expansion board to Nucleo board.

I am intending to use only Arduino Uno R3, the expansion board IHM02A1, and the github library and develop everything in the Arduino IDE. The github library shows a .ino example file so I assumed I can directly use Arduino Uno alone. Or am I missing something?