2015-08-15 12:59 AM
hi every one.
i am trying to initial wwdg of stm32f103rbt6 & i am using cmsis libraries for this. based on cmsis examples i wrote my program & it compiled succesfully but dose not work correctly. i attached example,can any one please help me to find faults? with best regards.2015-08-15 9:57 AM
Seems to be missing files, and uses an RTE library that I don't. There's some delay code that seems irrelevant, and a usart.h file that's not there, or supported by any other code.
So, what would it do if it worked as you expected? Does the part Reset? Does it not Reset as expected? Does the board you're using have a USART? What pins would that be connected too? I there a schematic? A USART can be helpful in debugging low-power, and reset code, as you can output messages about where the code is, and what type of reset just occurred. If you rely on debuggers/breakpoints they often take longer to respond than the milliseconds of window you have to react.