2018-11-03 6:11 AM
STM32F746GDiscovery, CubeMX. Selecting RCC-> LSE causes the Clock Configuration error. I want to use this clock.
2018-11-03 6:27 AM
>>I want to use this clock.
To do what?
Look at the RTC examples, and how they bring up HSE and HSI clocks.
2018-11-05 7:14 AM
Example in the STM32Cube_FW-F7_V1,12.0 ... RCC library? No RTC.
2018-11-05 8:21 AM
2018-11-05 10:09 AM
2018-11-05 10:34 AM
>>I have STM32746GDiscovery. RTC does not exist there. Will it work?
The board has both crystals placed, so I'd expect the RTC to work. You might have to port examples to the board, but that should not be an unduly complex task.
>>I wonder why I can not set LSE directly in CubeMX
I don't know, I'm not a user of CubeMX in my day-to-day work. I've used it in seminars, but it really doesn't address any higher order problems I have to deal with.
Perhaps the board template is missing some pin designations or checkbox items.
2018-11-06 1:27 AM
Thank you.