2018-02-28 5:15 PM
I can not find it in datasheet in 'Embedded reference voltage' section.
I also try use STM32F0/STM32F405/STM32L486 address. all these address are wrong.
#vrefint_cal #stm32f1 #internal-reference-voltage-calibration-values""2018-02-28 7:24 PM
Are you sure it even has such a value? It is rather an antiquated design.
2018-02-28 8:54 PM
the STM32F103 has Vrefint connect ADC1 channel 0. i can sample it. but i can not find the calibration value STM provide at manufacturing process.
2018-02-28 11:28 PM
I try use these information to locate the address by reverse engineering.
in section 5.3.4 of datasheet, the Embedded internal reference voltage is form 1.16 to 1.24
at 3.0V, the reasonable value is 0x062F --- 0x069D
if calibration
at 3.3V, the
reasonable value is 0x059F --- 0x0603i search the System Memory: 0x1FFFF000 -- 0x1FFFF7FF. (other STM32 MCU stored VREFINT_CAL in System Memory or OTP
I can not find one match.
{for my device, only one Unique device ID register word matched.}
Do the STM32F103RC internal reference voltage calibrate at manufacturing process?