2012-06-13 2:50 AM
Hi everyone.
I used the demo project web server of ST, my board is 3220g-eval.And as I know, the webpage content is built by fsdata.c file.I want to ask how to convert or compile the webpage content to this file?I think need the soft to do it?Could you give me some idea?Thanks and Best regards. #lmgtfy #web-server2012-06-13 7:08 AM
With gnu tools you could do something like:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -B arm -I binary -O elf32-littlearm webpage.html webpage.o and then link with the .o file, and use the simbols ''nm'' utility lists.2012-06-13 8:19 AM
Wouldn't you use the makefsdata perl script?
Or makefsdata.exe STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.1.0\Utilities\Third_Party\PC_Software\makefsdata.exe2012-06-13 8:36 PM
Thanks clive1 and Domen Puncer for your reply.
I want to use makefsdata.exe. I follow and see your path:STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.1.0\Utilities\Third_Party\PC_Software\makefsdata.exe
But I don't know how to use it? When I double click makefsdata.exe, I can control it.I guest I must have the folder to store webpage content, and maybe use ''cmd'' to call ''makefsdata.exe'' but I don't know exactly command?Can you give me the instruction?Thanks and Best regards.2012-06-13 10:08 PM
I believe it is a command line tool, which you run against an ''fs'' sub directory you wish to convert
makefsdata - HTML to C source converter
by Jim Pettinato - circa 2003
extended by Simon Goldschmidt - 2009
Failed to open directory ''fs''.
Usage: htmlgen [targetdir] [-s] [-i] [-f:<
targetdir: relative or absolute path to files to convert
switch -s: toggle processing of subdirectories (default is on)
switch -e: exclude HTTP header from file (header is created at runtime, default is off)
switch -11: include HTTP 1.1 header (1.0 is default)
switch -c: precalculate checksums for all pages (default is off)
switch -f: target filename (default is ''fsdata.c'')
if targetdir not specified, htmlgen will attempt to
process files in subdirectory 'fs'
2012-06-14 7:39 PM
2015-07-08 3:10 AM
I have a questions on this topic :Is there a way to update html files ''on the go'' ?Thanks a lotLuca2015-07-08 5:43 AM
I have a questions on this topic : Is there a way to update html files ''on the go'' ?
Well you'd probably want to implement a different/alternate file system. I made a version using FatFs off a MicroSD card