2015-10-13 5:47 PM
Hi All,
I am now using Netconn based HTTP(web server) and TCP server on STM32F429I Eval board. HTTP and TCP server are running on each thread (FreeRTOS) and both connections are created by Neconn API, netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP). They look working well. And I had to add TCP client so I made one more thread and tried to make connection using newconn_new(TCP) but there was system halt in vSemaphoreCreateBinary(), actually pvPortMalloc(). How can I put both TCP server and client on same IP? Any advice will be very thankful.RegardsChris2015-10-22 3:28 AM
Hi Chris,
The system halt in vSemaphoreCreateBinary() may be caused by:- unability to do dynamic memory allocation - the space allocated is not enough- the memory management is not optimizedAnd to answer your question ''How can I put both TCP server and client on same IP? '': both TCP server and client can be on the same IP but you shouldn’t use the same communication port (a port for server and another one for client).Both TCP server and client can be on the same IP but you shouldn’t use the same communication port (port for server and other for client)-Syrine –2017-06-22 11:38 AM
Hello All,
I tried to run client and server in two different threads with two different ports (server with port 80 and client with 1234)
But the moment my client attached to the respective server on Internet my Server application stops responding !!
I am using the net com example provided in Cube ,
Device used is F207 and compiling code in Keil.
Need help !