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WAV/MP3 player with STM32746G-Discovery.

Associate II

Hello, I downloaded STM32CubeExpansion_Audio_V1.1.1 and I tested the MP3 player project (Audio_MP3_player) with an STM32746G-Discovery.

It works very well.

But now, I would like to add 2 or 3 additional functions but I have big gaps in development.

I would like to add a speed or pitch function (+/- 10%) and a reverse play function.

When playing a WAV or MP3 file, the audio file is buffered before being played.

I think it's in the fwkmempool.c file or player.c file to add these functions but I can't seem to.

If anyone can help me it would be welcome.

Thanks for your help.


Associate II

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Associate II

Update: I found out how to play an MP3/Wave sound while changing the playback speed.

Now I have to figure out how to play an MP3/Wave sound backwards.

Associate II

Can you share your project here?

Associate II

I'll send it to you later.

Thank you.

Associate II

Here is the link to download my project written with keil for the STM32F7.

In the meantime I have managed to get the music speed to work at +/- 100%.

Thanks for your help.