2016-04-01 02:51 AM
i have implemented watchdog on f429. i have two applications on flash , one is bootloader and other one is an application program . i have implemented the watchdog on bootloader and also jump function from bootloader to appllication. My goal is to start the watchdog on bootloader, jump to application proǵram and , top the watchdog once the application gets started and runs properly. the problem is i cant able to stop the watchdog when the application starts. could anyone help me or suggest me some idea ? thank you2016-04-01 03:21 AM
I think you have the same problem as this [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/IWDG%20disbale%20steps%20for%20STM32F2xxSTM32F4xx&FolderCTID¤tviews=29]discussionAccording to the reference manual:''Independent watchdog (IWDG): the IWDG is started by writing to its Key register or by hardware option. Once started it cannot be stopped except by a Reset.''I hope this can help you.-ForumSTM32-