2014-01-17 2:28 PM
Hey Guys,
After I programed vcp for STM32F427 Eval board by following the example of STM32F429Discover board, but when I plug it into the PC, The PC can find it but always get a warning marker on the Device manager as shown below. Anyone have the idea on this problem?2014-01-17 2:31 PM
Like you installed the 32-bit driver on a 64-bit machine, or it expects a signed driver?
2014-01-20 4:22 AM
I used the same driver from the STm32F4Discover board demo. It works with the discover but not on my board. I believe some thing wrong on my c code.
2014-01-20 6:16 AM
''I believe some thing wrong on my c code.'' Most likely. What is the error for the bad comm port?2014-01-20 8:10 AM
The PC just show the driver was not successfully installed, but when I plug the Discover board in, not this error come.
2014-01-20 8:22 AM
''The PC just show the driver was not successfully installed''
That means that the enumeration of the USB device was not successful. ''I used the same driver from the STm32F4Discover board demo. It works with the discover but not on my board.'' What speed are you clocking at? (Make sure that the internal clock tree is configure correctly for your board) Are you using a Crystal Oscillator for the USB peripheral? (It is not advisable to use the internal RC to clock the USB peripheral, the tolerance of the timing means that it cannot guarantee the USB peripheral is clocked to within the USB specification)2014-01-20 12:26 PM
I think it is 8Mhz. Same with the Discover board. Is it configured in Option of Target?
2014-01-20 2:00 PM
Then I'll suggest you enumerate the design differences between your board, and that of the STM32F429-Discovery, and what code changes you've make to accommodate those differences.
I'd certainly rather do that, than try to guess what you've done wrong.2014-01-21 1:47 AM
''After I programed vcp for STM32F427 Eval board''
Do you have any example/demo projects for this board? If you do, they will have the correct code for setting up the clock tree for this board. The one exception to this may be the USB peripheral. You may have to check and set this yourself. If there is no demo project available for this board (which I doubt) then - you will have to figure it out.2014-01-21 2:11 PM
I used the demo code from STM32F429 Discover, do some modification, and add it to my code on the STM32F427 Demo board. I found that when I plug in the USB cable, it is trapped into
SPI6_IRQHandler B