2014-01-31 12:34 PM
I want to make a voltmeter using my STM32F4 discovery , actually these are my first steps and I am facing some problems and I need some help.Thank you very much. #lmgtfy2014-01-31 1:12 PM
What tool chain are you using? Do you have any experience with micro-processors, C programming, etc.
Have you downloaded the firmware library code, and examples for the STM32F4-Discovery board?Review this exampleSTM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Project\Peripheral_Examples\ADC3_DMA2014-02-01 6:27 AM
Step 1 - define your requirements
AC & DC volts ? Voltage ranges Accuracy User control inputs Results display to the user Step 2 - Then tell us what the hardware design is to meet those requirements for the first feedback. Step 3 - Code and test and explain clearly any problems. When you are done, you will know the difference between coding and developing a software application. Cheers, Hal2014-02-02 7:38 AM
Thank you very much
2014-02-02 7:38 AM
Thank you very much
2014-02-10 12:48 PM
I want to reset my STM32F4 board because I used pins that I should not use like PA13 and PA14 , I know that I can use the NRST pin but I don't know how .
Any idea please
2014-02-10 1:48 PM
Try the Reset button on the board.
Cheers, Hal2014-02-10 2:09 PM
If you have user code locking out the SWD debugging connection, then you can with BOOT0 High (jumper BOOT0 to VDD next to it) and it will start into the System Loader. Once there you can use the ST-LINK Utilities to erase the user code.
2014-02-11 2:54 AM
Thank you for your response ,
I am using th IAR and this is the error :Fatal error: ST-Link, No MCU device found Session aborted!
Buy the way it was working well before I used some pins which are not free as I told you.I am a beginner , and I don't know what the BOOT0 is , sorry but could you do a favour and explain to me what to do exactly step by step Sorry Thank you very much.2014-02-11 2:55 AM
Thank you for your response,
I did ,but it doesn't work, maybe I don't know how to use it .