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VL53L1x GUI Software problem

Doron Yechezkel
Posted on April 07, 2018 at 14:01

i am trying without success to activate the VL53L1x GUI Software - i use the  VL53L1X P-Nucleo over nucleo stm32f411 and fail to Flash FW ...any suggestions ???

ST Employee
Posted on May 02, 2018 at 00:28

Check the device manager and File Explorer. You need two things. You need something that looks like a disk drive and you need something that looks like a serial port. The disk should look like NODE_F401RE (D: ). The serial port should look something like STMicroelectonics STLink Virtual COM port (COM84).

But I'm guessing your issue is the wrong STM32 board. One has to find the F401RE. It's only $10 at Mouser or Digikey.

Best bet is to give that a shot.

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