2016-10-05 1:38 AM
I can't install the VCP Driver from the ST site for my stm32f4-Discovery on Windows Embedded. Is there any Solution or special Driver ?
2016-10-05 2:11 AM
VCP downloadable at . Then v4.0.0 should be sufficient to connect to the board and provide a VCP interface.Regards2016-10-05 2:46 AM
I get always the message ''A Service Installation Section in this INF is invalid''.
2016-10-05 3:13 AM
Make simple search in Google to find several links and video about this error that helps you and guide you to solve this: , .Regards2016-10-05 7:07 AM
In the readme file of the ''STM32 Virtual COM Port Driver'' packageSTSW-STM32102, it is mentionned that th SW support only
Windows 98SE, 2000, XP, Vista, Seven, 8.x (x86 & x64 Windows platforms) . -Hannibal-2016-11-03 9:46 AM
The solution for Windows Embedded 7
https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/56315793-9a01-4cf4-8991-24cc749c9d9a/missing-usbsersys-windows-7-embedded?forum=quebecmisc2016-11-03 11:10 AM
Amazing! And how should we connect to STM32 USB in Windows Embedded 7?
I think ST believes you should have in-house competence in the OS you have chosen. Whether that extends to writing drivers from the DDK, or modifying installers or .INF, or getting one's own products through WHQL, etc.