2013-07-08 08:21 AM
I'm new to stm32 and I'm now working on the stm32f3 discovery board with a 7-segment display.I want to use the User Button to make the digit on the display increment whenever the button is pressed. But I couldn't figure out how to configure it. So I would appreciate if someone could help me with that.thank you #display #external-interrupts-button #stm32f3 #gpio2013-07-08 08:53 AM
It's connected to GPIO PA0, configure that as an input or use the FW library, check STM_EVAL_PBInit() and STM_EVAL_PBGetState()
STM32F3-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Project\Peripheral_Examples\PWR_CurrentConsumption\main.c Check also STM32F3-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Project\Peripheral_Examples\EXTI_Example which uses the button to generate an interrupt.2013-07-09 07:28 AM
Thank you for the response
I tried to follow the example on the Demonstration project on the stm32f3 but I couldn't figure out how even when using the STM_EVAL_PBInit but I missed something for sure.I'll check out the examples and try to make it work. Have a nice day