2019-05-05 8:20 AM
Hi guys, I have some Arm microcontrollers (STM's to be specific). There's a tutorial on youtube(Link to it-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6SstBoXjKc&list=PL6PplMTH29SHgRPDufZhfMRoFwRAIrzOp&index=1 If you look at more videos in the playlist, you'll get to the programming of the chip) where someone tells how to program a bare STM32 ARM processor with coocox CoIDE. But since the coocox website has not been maintained, I am not able to download CoIDE as it isn't maintained by anyone in coocox's website. (just for some extra info, I will also be using the STM32CubeMX, as some I have seen some tutorials use it, yes I know I have said that there are no tutorials, but none of them are for a bare chip).
I want to program a bare STM32 ARM chip for a project, but there's no proper tutorial for Keil u Vision, but only for coIDE. Can I just copy and paste the code which is supposed to be written for CoIDE to Keil u Vision? Is this possible? If not what should I do?
Thank you
2019-05-05 11:23 AM
I'm sure one could find tutorials on Keil if you look.
The bare chip connectivity, ie SWD or JTAG, will be the same regardless of IDE.
CubeMX can generate HAL projects for Keil, and the examples for HAL in the Cube repositories also contains Keil buildable example projects.
If you have prior IDE experience Keil and IAR shouldn't be too dissimilar.
2019-05-05 11:04 PM
but when using Keil u vision is it necessary to use the CubeMX? But CoIDE and Keil are both in C, so you're saying the code is the same?