2013-04-24 2:43 PM
i'm novice in programming with stm32f4 and i want to know how to generate an interrupt after pressing user button what's i know is that i should use EXITx_irqHandler but how to configure the button to be related to the coherent pin that will cause the interrupt ? if you have example i'll be thankfull2013-04-24 4:11 PM
Like this?
STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Project\Peripheral_Examples\EXTI2013-04-24 4:26 PM
2013-04-24 4:36 PM
Sounds like your unspecified tool chain isn't loading the project correctly. The project needs to include stm32f4xx_exti.c
2013-04-25 12:29 PM
I added this file from the beginning, but i just forgot to add stm32f4xx_syscfg.c .
thanks for your help2013-04-25 12:50 PM
From the error I'm going to guess you have IAR of some version, again which you fail to mention.
Why don't you just load the EXTI example workspace and make the thing? It build fine in an IAR EWARM 6.40 evaluation/demo edition.2013-04-25 2:13 PM
it's ok i solved the problem by adding the file ''stm32f4xx_syscfg.c''.
thanks again