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uSDCard on STM32F746G-DISCO


I am working with STM32CubeMX 4.26.1 and uVision V5.25.2.0 on card STM32F746G-DISCO

First, I use the program given in example “en.stm32cubef7\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.12.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Applications\FatFs\FatFs_uSD�?

This example works but I can’t integrate it in my code.

There is no ‘*.ioc’ file attached (from STM32CubeMX)

So I can’t include this file in my code.

Second, I try with internet tutorial named “12 SD card Programming on STM32F7 Discovery Board using Keil uVision�? , “13 SD card …�? , “14 SD card …�?

Address :

But, at the begin, 2 declarations are invalid because already declared in another file.

Already declared in “fatfs.c�?

char SDPath[4];  /* SD logical drive path */

FATFS SDFatFS;   /* File system object for SD logical drive */

When I comment on these lines, the program can run but it does not realize the f_mount.

I have been working on this program for a week and I am at the end of my abilities.

Does anyone have an idea, a * .ioc file and the * .uvprojx project or something to help me?

Sorry for my English,


Well the solution is found .

In STM32CubeMX, the Minimum Stack Size must be set 0x800 in Project Setting / Linker Setting

So, the problem is solved

Yes, the 0x400 frequently used by Keil is to small for a lot of things, it would make sense for CubeMX (and .s in CMSIS trees) to have larger sizes, something commensurate with size of SRAM in the device, and code expectations in 2018 rather than 1998

GNU/GCC usually uses the top of SRAM for the STACK, and the end of statics for the HEAP, and they can fight over available memory. ST shouldn't use the 0x2001FFFF unaligned values, but rather 8-byte aligned ones.

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I'd wonder if the Keil toolchain does not allow one to define the stacksize in the project setup phase (Wizard), like other toolchains.

But that would put the onus back to CubeMX and ST ...