2008-06-21 2:42 PM
USB mass transfer on Hitex STM32 performance stick
2011-05-17 3:37 AM
I am using STM32 performance stick (provided by Hitex) with STM32F103RB and HiTop debugger with Altium tasking compiler. I wish to store text file in the internal flash memory using the USB mass transfer demo since the board does not have any SD slot. The size of the text file is 53KB.
Is it possible to do that? If yes any pointers on how this can be achieved? I have checked the hw_config.h, platform_config.h, msd.h as well as other header files but i couldnt locate the code which would allow switching between SD card and internal flash. Also the board is connected to PC using USB which is used to download the code into flash from the HiTex IDE (as well as for power). So how the board can be detected as mass storage device on PC when it is already connected? any help is appreciated. thanks Hemal