2015-07-03 1:56 PM
I am using a stm32f427 as a USB host/MSC class, with the host library from the STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0 package.My question is, if I want to use the HS core in FS mode, how should I set the defines in usb_conf.h?Should I use:#define USE_USB_OTG_HS or #define USE_USB_OTG_FS?I call the USBH_Init() with coreID parameter set to USB_OTG_HS_CORE_ID, so the HS core is chosen.First I used USE_USB_OTG_HS, but could not get the code to work. The device was not enumerated.Then I changed to USE_USB_OTG_FS and it worked! So I just wanted to chek if this is the correct setting for HS core in FS mode?ThanksPeter2015-07-03 5:01 PM
Thanks for reply.
Do you know the status of the host library? Should I change to the Cube version? Is it much better than the Discovery_FW_V1.1.0 version or are they about the same?2015-07-04 7:32 AM
When the code is relatively bug-free you don't have to release a new version every few weeks..
The USB library in the STM32F429I-DISCO is basically the V2.1.0 release, which is good for the F2/F4 parts.2015-07-04 8:59 AM
I don't like their use of blocking wait in several places in the code. In a real application you can't have the CPU blocked for tens of milliseconds. That is really bad code. I can't understand they released such code in fact.