2009-06-22 3:12 AM
USB and DMA transfer
2011-05-17 4:03 AM
I'm trying to use DMA Memory2Memory feature to transfer USB data from endpoint buffer to user buffer. Instead of PMAToUserBufferCopy() function from library. I seems to be working but in very strenght way. Data from USB buffer is copied as 32bit value but ''older'' 16bits are always set to zero. Does anybody have any idea with this ? My question to ST support is: ''How to perform this such of transfer? (DMA instead of manual copying )'' Best regards, Lukas2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Problem solved, thanks to everyone for help :)
2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Please explain how the problem was solved.
2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Hi STM32 User,
Does someone else find a solution to use DMA Memory2Memory to transfer to USB Endpoint Buffer? We have the exact same problem as Lukas when we configure the DMA to transfer 32bits to 32bits. The lower part is always set to zero. We try almost all type of DMA configuration without the right result. Is there a trick with pointer for USB Endpoint Buffer? :-? Best Regard