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USART clock question.

Associate II
Posted on February 18, 2009 at 11:56

USART clock question.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:03

I am working with STM32F103VE device. I need to set up USART1 to communicate with an RS232 interface. The USART 1 clock has an alternate function to give out the MCO (main clock output). I need the MCO which feeds my CPLD with the required clock source. Do I also need to enable the USART1 clock to transmit to RS232. When I configure my USART, 8 bits, 1start/stop bit etc and then enable my USART, all registers are still blank/0. When I enable the USART1 clock all registers update their values.

I want to be able to configure the pin for USART1 clock for MCO use so I cannot use USART 1 clock. Shouldn't the USART work as UART if you dont give it a clock?

I am using GPIO pin A9 and A10 to transmit and receive and clocking GPIO A.
