2009-06-24 05:01 PM
Uploading new firmware (AN2606)
2011-05-17 04:14 AM
The firmware in my application shall be able to upgrade over USART1 as described in AN2606. However, using the windows application written by ST is almost impossible since it does not really coop with the USB-to-serial converters that I'm are using.
I have earlier been using mcuisp, which successfully uses the USB-to-serial converters, but the problem is that mcuisp erases all flash before new firmware is downloaded to the device. This means that it erases a parameter area that must not be erased. Do you have any suggestions on how to upload new FW without destroying the parameter area?2011-05-17 04:14 AM
Maybe what would help you most would be if people here could advise as to what specific model USB-serial converters they are successfully using with the ST software?
I'd make sure you've got the most up to date drivers for whatever usb-serial pod you've got. If you've got a Linux running somewhere, you could give my project a shot. :) It implements the page-by-page erase function of AN2606. I'm working on a Windows port for this, but don't know when it'll be ready. Cheers, Alex2011-05-17 04:14 AM
Hello Johann,
I've got a windows version of Sloadhost working now... at least on my machine. The format for a limited pages erase would be sloadhost-stm32.exe --serialdev com1 --baudrate 57600 --pageserase 0,1,2,3 to erase the first 4 pages, if the uC is in it's AN2606 bootloader mode. As long as protection isn't set, you do not need to do a global erase. Alex2011-05-17 04:14 AM
Hi johan:
Before Start isp download,the mcuisp.exe will Erase All, because this is need to disable ReadOutProtection. I suggest you to use the FreeIAP, come with mcuisp.exe. This IAP will just erase the sector which need to reprogram, and reserve the parameter FLASH you used. The FreeIAP will use the first 4KB FLASH. and use USART0 also. it is useful when debug program. Hope this will be helpful to you. James,www.McuIsp.commailto:McuIsp@gmail.com