2010-02-10 2:42 PM
Unique MAC address ?
2011-05-17 4:40 AM
2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Obtaining a block of MAC addresses is a well defined process, but you have to pay for them, and manage them in your production process.
http://standards.ieee.org/faqs/OUI.html#q5 http://www.google.com/#q=obtaining+a+block+of+mac+addresses -Clive2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Jan2011-05-17 4:40 AM
Hi Thanks,
The microchip option looks best for what we are doing.
2013-06-08 11:44 PM
So if I understand it correctly, there's no unique MAC Address programmed into the STM32F4xx? So for an Ethernet enabled MCU, we need to program one of our own? It sure seems like ST could have allocated one for each chip. At least it would have been there if we wanted to use it for a unique MAC Address.2013-06-09 5:02 AM
ST doesn't allocate them. Sure they could buy them, and charge for the millions of usages that don't use the Ethernet function. What if your application needs two? People that make industrial quantities of Ethernet/MAC attached products already understand the process with the IEEE.
For initial development purposes make one up, or find one from an obsolete Ethernet card in your sock draw. There are several applications and use cases of the STM32 which might require you to pay licensing fees to third parties.