2017-12-06 4:17 AM
MCU: STM32F765
Custom hardware
STM32Cube FW_F7 V1.8.0
udp_recv() callback function has stopped working since last STM32CubeMX update (4.23)
Anyone know what is wrong please?
void UDP_ConnectTask(void * pvParameters)
{int rc1, rc2;uint16_t localport;RestoreDataServerParams();
/* Remote address */ UDPDataServer.addr = ipaddr_addr(UDPDataServerAddressString); // netconn_gethostbyname ('hostname', UDPDataServer.addr) UDPDataServerPort = atoi(UDPDataServerPortString);localport = 1091;
{ datapcb = udp_new();if (datapcb == NULL)
{ printf('udp_new failed!\n'); }/* bind to any IP address */
if ( (rc1 = udp_bind(datapcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, localport)) != ERR_OK) { printf('udp_bind failed!\n'); } else { /* set udp_echo_recv() as callback function for received packets */ udp_recv(datapcb, udp_recv_funct, NULL); }if ( rc1 == ERR_OK )
{ do { printf('Connecting to UDP server\r\n');rc2 = udp_connect(datapcb, &UDPDataServer, UDPDataServerPort);
if ( rc2 == ERR_OK )
{ printf('UDP data client connected\r\n');UPDDataConnectionValid = true;
IsUDPClientConnected = true;while ( UPDDataConnectionValid )
{ osDelay(1); }printf('Connection invalid\r\n');
vTaskSuspend(xUDPRecvTaskHandle); }if ( rc2 != ERR_ABRT )
{ printf('UDP connect client error (%d)\r\n', rc2); netconn_delete(UDP_nc); break; }osDelay(1000);
} while (true);
} else { printf('Unable to create new network connection\r\n'); } }}
* @brief Callback function for handling received UDP data */void udp_recv_funct(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port){char *data;#if SHOW_RX_HEXuint8_t j = 0;#endif#define LINE_LEN 16
if (p != NULL) { #if SHOW_RX_CH | SHOW_RX_HEX printf('UDP Rx: \r\n'); #endifdata = p->payload;
for ( int i = 0; i < p->len; i++ )
{ /* Write to receive fifo */ //fifo_write_u8( *data, &UDPrxFifo ); if ( i < sizeof(SocketRxBuf) ) { SocketRxBuf[i] = *data;#if SHOW_RX_HEX
printf('%02X ', *data);if ( ++j == LINE_LEN )
{ j = 0; printf('\r\n'); } #else #if SHOW_RX_CH printf('%c', *data); #endif #endifdata++;
putstr('\r\n'); #endifNumBufInFromSocket = p->len;
/* Notify Eric */
xQueueSend( xUDPDATARx, ( void * ) &SocketRxBuf, 0 );/* free the pbuf */
pbuf_free(p); }}2017-12-06 4:28 AM
When UDP pcaket sent to the device
LwIP stack responds with ICMP 70 Destination unreachable (Port unreachable)