2017-10-05 12:30 PM
I've seen a number of threads on there trying to find a workaround for the HAL library's inability to read a UART message of variable length. Is there any official fix to this yet, or is hacking the library still the only solution? Essentially I just want to have an interrupt trigger every time the UART receives a byte so I can buffer it and watch for an EOL or similar character.
#stm32l4-hal2017-10-05 12:40 PM
The interrupt does occur for every byte, your callback maybe at a decimated rate.
>>Is there any official fix to this yet, or is hacking the library still the only solution?
Look, you can wait for a bloated solution, or just mix-n-match the portions of the library you want to use. It's not unduly hard to enable the USART RXNE interrupt, and manage the data on-the-fly.