2018-07-12 5:55 AM
Could you explain me the difference between TIMx_CH1_ETR and TIMx_CH1, please?
In deed, I would like to replace STM32L071 with STM32F091 (PA0 - pin n°14).
In general, I would like to connect an external clock to a timer pin. My goal is to use the timer alone when the processor in Idle mode to save power. So, could I use TIMx_CH1_ETR or TIMx_CH1 or both are allowed, please?
2018-07-12 7:09 AM
TIMx_CH1_ETR is a - somewhat confusing - way to tell, that this pin is connected internally to *both* the CH1 and the ETR nodes of the TIMx module.
In other words, as long as you don't use any of the ETR functions, you can use TIMx_CH1_ETR in exactly the same way as you use TIMx_CH1.
2018-07-13 2:24 AM
However, when we use
TIMx_ETR and when we use
TIMx_CH1 in general, please?