2016-07-05 09:15 AM
In Hal Library version 1.5.1 hal_timebase_tim.c the HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(htim) increments uwTick. That's OK for TIM6, since it is now dedicated to that function, but other timer update interrupts also call that callback. Suggest that tim.c check for TIM6 and call a relabelled HAL_TIM6_PeriodElapsedCallback(htim).
Edit: L4 library. Cheers, Hal #anyone-for-regression-testing?2016-07-05 10:35 AM
I just don't get the sense there is that level of regression or dog-fooding of the code.
Beyond the library there need to be a number of engineers whose sole task is to build more customer centric applications that combine the more sterile examples into integrated and functional forms. That handle the errors and recovery properly, and test the library in a real-world implementation.2016-08-07 06:40 AM
And ST's resolution is .......????