2013-06-28 3:51 AM
1. What do of BOOT0 pin. Should be float, pull down or pull high.
2. Pin PC13-15 hae limited function . I am not using them. Should I terminate the by making input pull high, or left them as default or output low.2013-06-28 4:03 AM
You should read the Reference Manual for your device - or at least say what device you're using. You will need to configure BOOT 0 according to your requirements (run program code or run internal bootloader). You can probably leave PC13..15 at their defaults if not connected. You may program them as outputs if you want or pulled up or down.
2013-06-28 6:41 AM
I would pull BOOT0 low, with an option to connect it high via a jumper or test point. Consider also what PB2/BOOT1 is doing at reset.
PC13 leave alone. PC14/15, give your self the option to add an external LSE (32.768KHz), the RTC will not clock in STANDBY without it. May be you don't need low power operation right now, but failing to provide the option closes out possible uses later, and when the sales guys inevitably say ''wouldn't it be nice if...'', this might not fit your scenario but it's a lot easier to drop items off a paper BOM than respin a PCB. Make sure to connect VDDA/VSSA to a supply/ground