2015-01-02 2:44 AM
I have 2 questions :1 - According to this library and sample examples , HAL_Init() function is called at the start of the main() that configures the systemtick timer for generating 1ms interrupts , but after that the SystemClock_Config() is called which configures the plls and other clock related parameters for increasing core clock to 168 MHz(for example for stm32f4) .But by this work , the systick timer will not make precesion interrupts anymore because its time base has changed without any updating .2 - According to page 368 of RM0090 , SysTick has fixed calibration value with HCLK set to 150 MHz but we have 168 MHz in stm32f4 , So its time base is not 1 ms and can not be changed, is it right ?Please help, thanks .2015-02-28 9:26 AM