2013-07-05 6:12 AM
I didnt find nothing in the datasheet refering the data update rate of the calculations that STPM01 do. Do any one knows? I gues that it is 16,66ms but I am no sure.Bye2013-07-12 6:54 AM
No one knows?
Where can I find it?2013-07-12 8:16 AM
No one knows? Where can I find it?
Clearly not, as I think I've pointed out before this is an STM32 user forum, if you want support for power metering products you should probably be seeking that directly from your local ST reps and FAEs who specialize in the metering products.
2013-08-19 10:42 AM
I ask here because I am using STM32 with STPM01 and I didnt find a forum for meters.
My local ST reps dont know the answer and I have asked two times by email for ST support and nothing.I am really upset with the support and the datasheet of STPM01.2013-08-20 10:12 AM
I've poked a moderator to look at this.
Meter stuff is fairly niche/specialized, I'd be surprised if there were a forum. Unless you got your email to someone directly in the meter group it probably got lost in the bureaucracy. May be someone in the contractor/consultant list has metering experience using this, or similar chips.2013-08-20 10:36 AM
2013-11-12 6:52 AM
With the STPM01, new data is calculated then updated for every half cycle.